The monsoon is here – the sky has split open and it’s pouring. Or at least it will, once the monsoon properly gets going. Either way, gods willing, we have a good two months of rain, verdant greenery, and muddy roads to look forward to.

How much your pet loves the monsoon depends on your pet. Some cats and dogs love the rain, others can’t stand the sight. And while the rain is always a great respite from the heat, it does come with its own challenges for your pet.

As a pet parent, here’s what to look out for this monsoon so that you can properly take care of your pet.

Buy dog rain gear

Exactly as you need rain gear during the monsoon, so does your pet. It’s important to keep your pet’s fur dry, as wet fur can lead to a number of illnesses. You now get dog raincoats in a variety of colours and with hoods, so you can protect your dog’s face as well.

Towel your pet dry each time they come in from the outdoors, just to make sure they don’t catch a cold. You could use a special dog towel that’s suitable for all types of furs and easily washable.

Protect them against fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks are a major concern during the monsoon. Tick bites can cause a skin condition called dermatitis, which is an itchy and sometime painful inflammation of the skin. Tick bites can also cause tick fever, which is common among pets.

Keeping your pets free of fleas and ticks should be top priority during the monsoon. Invest in anti-flea shampoos and use them each time you give your pet a bath. This can help prevent an infestation. There are also collar devices, such as the TICKLESS Anti-Flea Collar Device , that can stop fleas and ticks from jumping onto your pet’s fur. These devices clip onto your pet’s collar and emit ultrasonic pulses that are imperceptible to humans and pets, but disorient fleas and ticks. This makes it difficult for the parasite to make a home in your pet’s coat.

Paw grooming

Things can get muddy during the monsoon and the first to be affected are your pet’s paws. Keeping your pet’s paws clean is important: not only does it mean a mud-free house, but it also protects your pet from a number of illnesses. Always make sure you clean under your pet’s nails and keep these nails trimmed to ensure dirt and bacteria do not get trapped there.

Ear infections

A common blight for pets during the monsoon is ear infections. Many pet parents focus on keeping their pet’s fur dry, but ears can get damp too and that is often where the infection starts. Ears, notoriously, require more thorough cleaning to keep them free of moisture – neglecting to clean your pet’s ears can lead to fungal infections.

It is especially important to protect dogs in the rain who have floppy ears or closed ears. Always make sure you keep your pet’s ears dry during the monsoon and check regularly for infection.

De-worm your dog

Monsoons increase the risk of worm-related diseases, such as anaemia, general weakness, and weight loss. Always deworm your pet before the monsoons. If you haven’t as yet, it isn’t too late – the monsoons are not yet in full swing. Book an appointment now!

Change them to a fibre-rich diet

It’s common knowledge that dogs do not always get the exercise they need during the monsoon. Walks become difficult and a dog can often be stuck at home. While it is important to keep your dog exercised (and we will explore how to do so in the next blog), changing their diet can help. Give your dog food that’s rich in fibre, such a fibrous vegetables, as it may aid in digestion and keep their bowel movements regular.

Be careful of the water

A dog in the rain can be an excited pet. They will want to sniff everything, taste everything, jump in every puddle. But the one thing you should stop them from doing is drinking puddle water. With things like acid rain and the number of water-borne diseases, puddle water can be terrible for your dog and lead to serious illnesses. Just keep an eye out when walking them to make sure your dog doesn’t lap up dirty water on the side. And consider boiling the water you give them at home, to fortify it against water-borne diseases.

The monsoons can be a beautiful season, with the trees turning bright green and the air getting cooler. Now you and your pet can enjoy it too, without worrying.