Taking care of your pets this Diwali

Diwali is right around the corner, and excitement is high for this festival of lights. But not everyone is looking forward to it. In cities all over India, dogs and cats will cower in their homes and in the streets as we celebrate this beginning of the new cycle and the triumph of light over dark.

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Interesting facts about cats you may not have known

Will cats ever cease to amaze us? Here are a few fascinating facts on the animal the Internet loves to watch all day.

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Golden Retriever: Feeding patterns to know

There’s no denying that a Golden Retriever is one of the most beautiful dogs there is. With a soft and luscious golden coat, large melting brown eyes and a playful and kind disposition to match, Golden Retrievers usually steal your heart and keep it.

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What are the best dog breeds for family pets?

Choosing the right dog breed for your family and your lifestyle is very important. If you have several young ones at home and are thinking of getting a dog, there are several dog breeds that work perfectly with a family.

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Things to know before getting a dog

Thinking of getting a dog? We understand the appeal – dogs are incredibly loving, loyal and will transform your life with their enthusiasm. But there are factors to consider before you bring a pup home.

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Choosing the right collar for your dog

Not all collars are made equal. Choosing the right collar for your dog can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know what variables to consider. A collar is an important accessory – your dog will be wearing theirs often and for long periods of time, so it is worth doing your research to choose the right one.

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How to take care of your dog during thunderstorms

Several dogs are petrified of thunder. Any thunderstorm will find them whimpering and cowering under the nearest chair, trembling with fear. It’s enough to melt all hearts.

If your dog is scared of thunderstorms, then there are precautions and steps you can take to make the ordeal easier for them. As with any animal or person that is scared, love and patience are the most important elements to being supportive.

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Wet versus Dry cat food

If you are a pet parent to a cat, then you will know there are two types of cat food: wet and dry cat food. Most wet and dry cat food is complete – that means that it has a complete balance of nutrients and can be fed to your cat alone, without any need for supplementary foods. But is there a difference between wet and dry cat food? And if so, how do you choose?

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Monsoon illnesses

The monsoon is the time where life thrives – and we mean all life. That means diseases are more active in this season, and your canine is in more danger of falling ill than ever. Here’s what you need to look out for this monsoon season and how you can keep your dog in top shape during downpours.

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Exercising your dog during the rainy season

We all know how crucial it is for your dog to get their daily walks. Exercise is important for your canine and you should not skip walking them several times a day unless absolutely necessary.

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